If you have found this summary report of interest, a full report is also available. It contains more detailed information, including:
- background and rationale
- research methodology and data sources
- literature review
- in-depth discussion of major findings
The full report is available at: http://transforming-family-conflict-in-kh.blogspot.com/
The Peace Bridges weblog also includes related documents in the Peace Resources section: http://pbresources.blogspot.com/2009/05/family-violence-resources-for-change.html
About Peace Bridges
Peace Bridges was formed in response to the recommendations of the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia’s Task Force on Peace and Conflict. Originally conceived to help pastors and churches provide mediation and conciliation services, Peace Bridges’ vision has deepened and expanded over the last six years. We have now provided long-term training and partnership/mobilization services to over 100 community peacebuilders. Our partnership projects include peace education in prisons, schools, churches, NGOs, and other community organizations.
Partnership with Peace Bridges is a commitment that extends from: 1) identification of partners and relationship-building for mutual trust and benefit; 2) selection and training of key peacebuilders from partner organizations, including commitment by partners to peace programming; 3) mobilization and continued support from Peace Bridges’ staff to help tailor peace programs to partner-specific contexts and provide resources and co-trainers.
Peaceful Families Program
Since August 2008, Peace Bridges has been building staff capacity and exploring appropriate ways for Peace Bridges to address these needs. A pilot program will be conducted January – June 2010 that is focused on developing family reconciliation resources appropriate for Cambodia. It is anticipated that this training will become an ongoing course, offered annually, providing specialized training for graduates of Peace Bridges’ foundational peace training. This program will include:
- 6 units (3.5 days per unit) of training
- A focus on skills and issues relevant to family reconciliation
- A design that follows a general model of reconciliation (see the figure below for unit topics)
Because reconciliation is rarely a linear or sequential event, each unit is focused on a particular part of the process and the relevant knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits needed to support families. Unit 6 will be an extended (5 day) unit that includes training in Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation of peace programming.
As in our other programming, Peace Bridges staff will then support graduates in developing and implementing family peace education training and services in their own circles of influence, as well as continue to build staff capacity (relevant to family conflict/violence) and partnerships.
Future program directions may include: men's support groups, women's support groups, premarital counseling training, and family mediation training.
** For more information, please contact Peace Bridges, Or refer to the Project Proposal and other documentation. Available online at: http://peacebridges.blogspot.com **
We would like to offer thanks to the community peacebuilders and Peace Bridges staff who participated in the case study research, with the hope of a peaceful future for all our families.
Ethics & Confidentiality:
Community peacebuilders who participated in the case study research are not named in the summary or full report and are not shown in photographs. Quotations in the body of the report do not reveal personal details.